Popular Annual Financial Reports (PAFR)

The Popular Annual Financial Report includes condensed and simplified information from DERP’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The report is designed to keep members informed with DERP’s actions and accomplishments.

Although the PAFR is not a required document, it is considered best practice, and plays an important role in making information accessible. The data in this report does not provide all of the necessary financial statement and note disclosures required by GAAP.

GFOA has presented DERP the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for our report for the year ended December 31, 2022. We have received this award for the past four years.

The cover to the DERP 2023 Popular Annual Financial Report show the City and County of Denver building on a sunny spring day. The DERP logo colors are on the right, and the tagline "Powering Futures Together" is at the bottom.

If you are unable to read any of the information contained in these reports, email Help@DERP.org and we will assist you.