
RetireStrong Education Program

Our education program is designed to meet your needs at all the different stages of your life and career. Whether you’re a new member, midway through your career, or nearing retirement, our RetireStrong Education Program Seminars will help you understand your benefits and the steps you need to take at every stage of your career to ensure a strong retirement future.

Seminars are held virtually and in person. Watch for announcements of upcoming seminars on our website, in the Denver Employee Bulletin or DEB, and the city’s digital signage.

RetireStrong Education Program Calendar

Ready to RetireWednesday, November 13, 20248:30 a.m.-noonWebb Building
Rooms 4.G.2 and 4.F.6

New/Early Career – Understanding Your DERP Retirement Benefits

Your DERP Pension Benefit is your foundation for a strong retirement future. It begins the day you start your job and will provide you and your beneficiaries a guaranteed lifetime income upon retirement, disability, or death. As a new member, retirement may be the furthest thing from your mind, but it’s important to learn about your DERP Pension Benefit, the range of DERP Plus Benefits available, and the four steps you need to take as a new member. A representative from Nationwide will share information to help you understand the importance of supplementing your DERP Pension Benefit with additional investments and explain how to get started.


Mid/Late Career – Sharpen Your Focus, Plan, and Prepare

It’s time to gain a deeper understanding of your DERP Pension Benefit. In this seminar you’ll gain insight into the DERP Plus Benefits to ensure that you and your loved ones are covered. We’ll go over joint and survivor benefits, disability retirement, the lump-sum death benefit and more. Additionally, we’ll go over how to calculate your monthly retirement income, the retirement process, and the six steps you need to take to prepare for retirement. A representative from Nationwide will also share information about supplemental savings strategies.


Ready to Retire - Ensuring Your Smooth Transition

Are you thinking of retiring?

Great! But, there are a lot of decisions you have to make, documents to gather, and filing dates to meet before you can begin to collect your monthly DERP Pension Benefit. Because your choices uniquely impact your retirement future, it’s important to give yourself enough time to review your DERP Plus Benefits and options to ensure your countdown to retirement is on track and there are no delays. We’ll cover the retirement decisions and timelines you’ll need to consider as well as the required documents you’ll need to gather as you begin this important transition. Representatives from Nationwide, Social Security, and Medicare will also be there to talk about their programs.