
This website is intended primarily for the members and benefit recipients of the Denver Employees Retirement Plan (DERP) to provide a general overview. Information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Although efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information and forms contained on this site, it is for general information only. Members using this site are encouraged to contact DERP for specific information regarding your DERP Pension Benefit.

DERP and its administration of the DERP Pension Benefit is governed by the Revised Municipal Code of the City and County of Denver, as well as the Internal Revenue Code and its rules and regulations, which are complex and subject to change. Though the information and explanations contained in this website are based on the pertinent laws in effect as of this date, it cannot be relied upon as legal authority, and any conflict or inconsistencies between it and the governing laws are resolved and controlled by those governing laws. DERP makes no guarantees pertaining to the information contained within it.

DERP suggests you consult with an attorney and/or a tax advisor if you have any specific legal or tax question concerning the information provided on this website. In all cases, the provisions of the governing laws, rules, and regulations will prevail.