Denver Employees Retirement Plan



Welcome to your dedicated resource for understanding your DERP benefits! Our online video library is designed specifically for you, whether you’re a new DERP member or getting ready to retire. Here, you’ll find a wealth of informative videos that break down every aspect of your benefits, from designating a beneficiary to the steps you’ll need to take to retire.

Start exploring now and take control of your future with confidence! 

Welcome to DERP

Learn about the wide range of retirement benefits, services, and resources available to support a strong retirement future.

Benefits of Being a Member

Gain insight into the range of programs and services that makes saving for retirement automatic and easy, while providing you and your loved ones a guaranteed monthly lifetime income upon retirement, disability, or death.

Getting Ready to Retire

Whether you’re just starting to think about retirement, or you’ve made the decision to retire, this video will guide you through the many things you’ll need to consider to ensure a smooth transition to retirement.

The Importance of DERP Beneficiaries

Find out why it’s important to designate your beneficiaries with DERP to protect your loved ones today and tomorrow.

What to Expect Now That You’ve Retired

Learn what’s relevant to retired members and their loved ones, such as monthly benefit payment dates, federal tax decisions, how to report life events, and more.

Purchasing Service Credit

Learn about how purchasing service credit may increase your monthly DERP Pension Benefit in retirement and whether service credit purchase is right for you.

Understanding Your DERP Plus Benefits

As a DERP member, in addition to receiving the security of your DERP Pension Benefit, you have a range of additional benefits to support a strong, healthy, and protected future.