Are you thinking about retirement? Join us Thursday, April 25 from 8:30 a.m. until noon in the Wellington Webb Building Rooms 4.G.2 and 4.F.6. Learn about the steps you need to take to retire.
Who should attend the Ready to Retire seminar?
All employees are welcome to attend. If you are thinking about retirement or ready to retire, this seminar is for you.
Why should you attend the Ready to Retire seminar?
Your choices impact your retirement future. It’s important to understand what to consider and the steps you need to take to retire.
What will you learn at the Ready to Retire seminar?
The Ready to Retire seminar will guide you through the steps you need to take to retire. We’ll review your DERP Pension Benefit and DERP Plus Benefits, cover the decisions you’ll have to make, the timelines you’ll want to consider, and the documents you’ll need to submit. Representatives from Medicare, Nationwide, and Social Security will also join us to talk about their programs so you can have a big picture view of the retirement process.
When and where is the Ready to Retire seminar?
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024
Time: 8:30 a.m. – noon
Place: Wellington Webb Building, 201 W Colfax Ave
Room: 4.G.2 and 4.F.6
How do you register for the Ready to Retire seminar?
Registration is recommended but not required. Email and let us know you’ll attend.
Don’t worry if you can’t attend; we’ll offer the seminar throughout the year.